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阿冗 A Rong - 你的答案 Ni De Da An Pinyin Lyrics And English Translation. 作曲:劉濤. 作詞:林晨陽/劉濤. 也許世界就這樣. ye xu shi jie jiu zhe yang. Maybe that's the way the world is. 我也還在路上. wo ye hai zai lu shang. I'm still on my way. 沒有人能訴說. mei you ren neng su shuo. is real-time rating of LIVE broadcasting from all over the world. Popular events and shows. Parties, webcams and more. Become an eyewitness of Live OMG events. 艾琳·帕帕斯.

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This is a living Chinese dictionary that lets you contribute your Chinese learning experience to the community. Not only are your search results ranked by frequency of everyday usage so you get accurate results, but it includes Mandarin pronunciation guides with audio, Cantonese pronunciations 阿冗 A Rong - 你的答案 Ni De Da An Pinyin Lyrics And English Translation. 作曲:劉濤. 作詞:林晨陽/劉濤. 也許世界就這樣. ye xu shi jie jiu zhe yang. Maybe that's the way the world is. 我也還在路上. wo ye hai zai lu shang. I'm still on my way. 沒有人能訴說. mei you ren neng su shuo. is real-time rating of LIVE broadcasting from all over the world. Popular events and shows. Parties, webcams and more. Become an eyewitness of Live OMG events.

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